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At the cornerstone of novita’s core values is the importance we place in Continuous Relationships. Consequently, we believe in harnessing the relationship we have with our customers. This first step in establishing this relationship is to ensure that we are always there for the customers whenever we’re needed.
Updates: 18 Feb 2022
Please note that due to the structural design of the NP110 water pitcher reservoir tank, it is not compatible with NP3290UF HydroPlus®️ UF Filter. We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience caused, and hope that your novita product will continue to serve you well. Thank you!
Updates: 10 October 2021
Please note that, both novita HepaPRO™️ and PuriPRO®️ Filter are equipped with the same lifespan and share the same set of filter replacement instructions. For more details, please refer to the following operating instructions manual hyperlinks below. Thank you!
A11 User Manual: https://novita.com.sg/usermanual/q29wa11.pdf
A4S User Manual: https://novita.com.sg/usermanual/q1wa4s.pdf
A8 User Manual: https://novita.com.sg/usermanual/q4wa8.pdf
Updates: 01 November 2020
With effect from 01 November 2020, NP10000, NP9960i, NP9938i, NP9932i, NP8, W29, NP330 and NP313 1-time standard installation cost will be revised from S$60 to S$80. Kindly click here for more details. We appreciate your kind understanding. Thank you!
Updates: 01 November 2020
With effect from 01 November 2020, novita 1-way delivery service fee will be revised from S$12/- to S$18/- for small to medium-size product to cater to the increase of operational, transportation and administrative expenses. We appreciate your kind understanding. Thank you!
Updates: 17 December 2019
Please note that under Auto Mode, Excellent air quality is programmed to correspond to Medium Fan Speed. While Moderate and Poor air quality is programmed to correspond to High & Turbo Fan Speed respectively. This is to enhance the overall user experience and performance of the unit. Please be rest assured that this will not affect any other programming function. We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience caused, and hope that your novita product will continue to serve you well. Thank you!
Updates: 28 November 2019
Kindly note that the A4S Filter Reset Button Light Indicator Colour is updated from “Red” to “White”. Please be assured that this will not affect other product programming functions or user experience. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused, and hope the unit will continue to serve you well. Thank you!
Updates: 4 April 2019
Due to an oversight, there is an error on the NAP610i Operating Instruction Manual page 6, point 7. Please take note that Sleep Mode does not operate in conjunction with the Timer Function. Please be assured that all other functions remain unchanged. We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience caused, and hope that your novita product will continue to serve you well. Thank you!
Updates: 12 February 2019
Kindly note that we have refined the novita product warranty terms and conditions. Please be aware that, the product warranty will be invalidated and rendered void upon the usage of any non-original filters/parts/accessories that is not provided or approved by novita for use with the product. With the proceeding of the Product usage, it means the purchaser/user have read, understood and agreed on the novita’s warranty terms and conditions and also acknowledge that novita’s limitations of liability are reasonable and within the context and circumstances under which it is applied on. For more details, please visit here. And hope that your novita product will continue to serve you well. Thank you!
Updates: 21 January 2019
Kindly note that F-2 Battery standby duration has been updated to up to about 4 to 6 days with immediate effect. Please also allow us to share that, it is normal for battery life to gradually deplete while on standby mode, as a nominal amount of power was used to illuminate the control panel “power” LED indicator. We hope that your novita product will continue to serve you well. Thank you!
Updates: 28 August 2018
Kindly note that we have refined the novita product warranty terms and conditions. Please be aware that with the proceeding of the Product usage for purchases made hereon, it means the purchaser/user have read, understood and agreed on the novita’s warranty terms and conditions and also acknowledge that novita’s limitations of liability are reasonable and within the context and circumstances under which it is applied on. For more details, please visit here. And hope that your novita product will continue to serve you well. Thank you!
Updates: 20 August 2018
Due to an unintentional oversight, the “Free Onsite Evaluation” under novita Customer Service Guarantee was incorrectly printed inside the Operation Instruction Manual. For correction, EM8 is under carry-in warranty.For any required evaluation by our qualified technician, the product has to be brought to our novita Customer Care Centre located at 8 Tagore Drive #04-00 S787624, from Monday to Friday, 9.00 am to 5.45 pm, excluding public holidays. We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience caused, and hope that your novita product will continue to serve you well. Thank you!
Updates: 26 April 2018
We have received 2 feedback that upon soaking of the NP6610 IER filter, the water turns slightly yellowish. Please be informed and assured that this is only due to the IER elements that have dried up within the filter. It is safe for usage. For preparation, please pour saline solution (200g of salt dissolved in 2 litres of water) through the IER filter to recharge it. Then, rinse it under running water for 3 mins to remove any residual salt and it is ready to be used!
Should you require any assistance or clarification, please feel free to whatsapp us at 81827665. We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience caused, and hope that your novita product will continue to serve you well. Thank you!
Updates: 14 December 2017
Kindly note that, the NAS12000 Android App has been updated on 14 Dec 2017 to serve your better. The latest App Version 2.0.1 is now available on Google Play Store. For any app-related enquiries, please email us at aircarepro@novita.com.sg. Thank you!
Updates: 10 October 2017
Dear Customers, to serve you better, we have streamlined all enquiries/feedback to our online enquiry form. Should we can be of any assistance, please drop us a note via https://estore.novita.com.sg/pages/contact and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you!
Updates: 18 August 2017
Dear Customers, we are currently facing a technical glitch with our phone system and is in the midst of resolving it - please do bear with us. For enquiries/assistance, please drop us an email at custcare1@novita.com.sg or call us at 8182 7665 (9.00 am - 5.45 pm). We sincerely regret the inconvenience caused. Thank you!
Updates: 01 August 2017
Kindly note, when the desired RH% setting selected is higher than the current surrounding RH%, ND838 enters into economical standby mode with low fan speed operating for 3 minutes before coming to a stop instead of maintaining at the continuous air circulation mode. Compressor and fan speed setting will reactivate automatically when the surrounding humidity level exceeds the desired humidity level set on the unit. Please be assured that this will not affect other product programming functions or user experience. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused, and hope that your novita product will continue to serve you well. Thank you!
Updates: 4 May 2017
We have received and noticed several cases of NAP610 feedbacks on Washable Mesh Filter, not in good size earlier. Kindly note that you can visit our Customer Care Centre at 8 Tagore Drive #04-00 Singapore 787624 for an 1 to 1 exchange. Our operating hours is Mon-Fri, 0900 to 1230 hrs and 1330 to 1745 hrs. We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience caused, and hope that your novita product will continue to serve you well. Thank you!
Updates: 4 May 2017
It has come to our attention that winners of novita give-away are putting up the prize for reselling. Which is against the intention and integrity of the give-away program. The give-away prizes is set aside to reach out to genuine participants and we strongly discourage prizes reselling. Please be informed that all give-away prizes will be registered for warranty coverage upon collection, under the Winner’s IC/passport particular and details only.Thank you!
Updates: 23 March 2017
Due to an unintentional oversight, the novita Customer Care Centre address indicated is the old address. Please be informed that our Customer Care Centre is located at 8 Tagore Drive #04-00 Singapore 787624. Please click here here for more details. We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience caused, and hope that your novita product will continue to serve you well. Thank you!
Updates: 26 Jan 2017
Due to the requirement for new security feature (https encryption) on all iOS App with effect from 2017, there is an unforeseen delay to the expected completion date of the NAS12000 iOS App. We are expediting the process to complete the NAS12000 iOS App by March 2017, while also fixing all potential technical bugs to ensure a pleasant user experience for you. We seek your kind understanding on the matter and sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused. For any NAS12000 iOS App enquiry, please email us at aircarepro@novita.com.sg. Thank you!
Updates: 23 Nov 2016
novita filters are filtration system designed to produce clean water by filtering out sediment/dirt from the water source. In the course of usage, the deposition of sediment/dirt in the water pipes in relation to the usage time, may influence the water flow rate and causes it to decrease.
If the water flow rate is slowed down below 1L/min, before the stipulated standard filter replacement period/volume capacity is due, the sediment/dirt deposition from the water piping would be considered exceptionally high to cause the filter blockage.
Should you experienced such conditions, a Pre-Filter is recommended to be installed to filter out larger sediment/dirt, for longer lasting and optimum filter performance.
The DIY Pre-Filter can be purchased from novita eStore at estore.novita.com.sg/products/diy-prefilter.
For any enquiry, please email us at water@novita.com.sg.
Updates: 23 August 2016
Due to an unintentional oversight, the NASC1000 Operating Instruction Manual V1 & V2 that comes with NASC1000 units with serial no. 1508-XXXX and 1511-XXXX is unfortunately erred in its information guide for the air quality sensor light indicator on Page 06. When the in-built chemical pollutant sensor detects the surrounding air quality to be moderate, the air quality sensor light indicator will illuminate a blue light, while at excellent air quality, the air quality sensor light indicator will illuminate a green colour. Please be assured that all other functions remain unchanged. We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience caused, and hope that your novita product will continue to serve you well.
Updates: 13 July 2016
Due to an unintentional oversight, the location of the air quality particle sensor was incorrectly indicated within the Operation Instruction Manual - Product Description section for 3-in-1 PuriClean™ Air Purifier NAP002Hi for units with serial no. 1604-XXXX. The air quality particle sensor is located at the back of the unit, at the top left hand corner. Also, the built-in air quality particle sensor is programmed to complete its initial diagnosis of the current air quality within 1 minute, instead of the indicated 3 minutes. Please be assured that all other function remains unchanged. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused, and hope that your novita product will continue to serve you well.
Updates: 13 July 2016
Due to an unintentional oversight, the location of the air quality particle sensor was incorrectly indicated within the Operation Instruction Manual - Product Description section for PuriClean™ Air Purifier NAP811i for units with serial no. 1604-XXXX. The air quality particle sensor is located by the left hand side of the unit. Also, the built-in air quality particle sensor is programmed to complete its initial diagnosis of the current air quality within 1 minute, instead of the indicated 3 minutes. Please be assured that all other function remains unchanged. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused, and hope that your novita product will continue to serve you well.
Updates: 30 June 2016
For PuriClean™ Air Purifier NAP866 with serial no. commencing from 1605-1XXX, please note that under Auto Mode, the excellent air quality is programmed to be corresponding to Medium Fan Speed Setting. This is to enhance the overall user experience and performance of the unit. Please be rest assured that this will not affect any other programming function and user experience. We hope that you will continue to have a pleasant experience with novita products.
Updates: 30 June 2016
Kindly note that for PuriClean™ Air Purifier NAP610, when PM2.5 count is detected to be equivalent or greater than 150 µg/m³, the air quality sensor light indicator is programmed to be flashing in red as a warning that the current PM2.5 concentration falls under the very unhealthy index category, in accordance to NEA guideline. For more information on PM2.5, please refer to haze.gov.sg.
Updates: 13 May 2016
PM2.5 display is computed based on ambient PM2.5 concentration, a standard unit measurement of micrograms per cubic meter of air (ug/m³).
Due to natural circulation of air, the readings computed will not be an absolute number.
For more information on PM2.5, please refer to haze.gov.sg.
Updates: 4 Nov 2015
Due to an unintentional oversight, NAP 811 airflow rate and coverage area information was unfortunately erred in the Aspire For Total Wellness Mailer. The airflow rate should be up to 525 m³/hr with an coverage of up to 52 m². Please be rest assured that all other packaging and marketing collaterals are updated accordingly. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused, and hope that you will continue to have a pleasant experience with novita products.
Updates: 9 Aug 2014
Kindly note that we have enhanced Novita E-Rebate Program terms and conditions. Details as follows:
All other terms and conditions remains unchanged. For more details, please click here.
Updates: 3 July 2014
Due to an unintentional oversight, the features and operating information on the built-in suction fan was unfortunately erred in the NK 40W-i Operation Instruction Manual from unit with serial number 13XX-XXXX. Please be rest assured that all other function remains unchanged. However, to enhance your overall after-sales experience, we would like to mail the revised Operation Instruction Manual to you for your kind perusal. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused, and hope that you will continue to have a pleasant experience with novita products.
Please complete the form below for us to proceed with the mailing and provide you with the revised manual.
Updates: 24 Mar 2014
Due to an unintentional oversight, the features and operating information on the built-in suction fan was unfortunately erred in the NK 40W-i Operation Instruction Manual from unit with serial number 13XX-XXXX. Please be rest assured that all other function remains unchanged. However, to enhance your overall after-sales experience, we would like to mail the revised Operation Instruction Manual to you for your kind perusal. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused, and hope that you will continue to have a pleasant experience with novita products.
Please complete the form below for us to proceed with the mailing and provide you with the revised manual.
Updates:17 Feb 2014
novita’s PuriClean Complete™ 3-in-1 Air Purifier NAP 2000H will be launched in the sales outlets from 15 February 2014 onwards. Customers will receive a complementary value pack of 2 essential oil blend bottles, for every purchase of a unit of NAP 2000H till 31 March 2014. This pack will also include an Essential Oil Blend usage guide.
For customers who have bought a NAP 2000H before the stipulated date, you may request for a copy of the Essential Oil Blend usage guide by filling up the form below.
Updates:12 Dec 2013
Due to an unintentional printing error, the model name on NH 900 product label was misprinted as NH 809.
Please rest assured that this will not affect any e-warranty registration or warranty coverage.
This is an update for your kind reference only and no further action is required from your side.
We shall correct and update the model name in our system accordingly.
We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused, and hope that you will continue to have a pleasant experience with novita products.
Please complete the form for us to proceed with the mailing and provide you with the revised manual.